
jeudi 24 mai 2018

Substratum’s rootless theme plugin for Android Oreo is half-off for 5 days

Substratum is one of the most popular Android modding tools available today. There's a huge community of talented people who have created awesome themes and mods. Now that a majority of new devices are running Android Oreo, you'll be required to purchase the Andromeda add-on to use Substratum. It will be on sale for 50% off this weekend.

  • Substratum is a powerful tool that can apply full custom themes without root. All it requires is access to a Windows, Mac, or Linux PC.
  • Andromeda is an add-on that allows Substratum to work on Android Oreo devices.
  • While Substratum is free, the required Oreo add-on is usually $1.99.
  • Andromeda will be 50% off ($0.99) from May 25th to May 30th.

The Substratum installation process is not nearly as complicated as some people think. You don't have to enter complex commands in ADB or do any hardcore hacking. You literally just need an Android Oreo device, a computer, the Substratum and Andromeda apps, the desktop client, and a USB cable to connect to your PC. The desktop client will do all the hard work for you.

andromeda ★ substratum stock rootless backend 8.0+ ($1.99, Google Play) →

substratum theme engine (Free, Google Play) →

from xda-developers

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