
mercredi 25 avril 2018

Google’s Now Playing prepares to finally add support for showing history

Now Playing is a feature that Google debuted on the Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL. It allows the phone to constantly listen for music and display the song info on the Ambient display, lock screen, and in the notifications. This is a super handy feature for those times you hear a song and don't have time to use Shazam or ask Google Assistant. However, there's one problem: you can't see a history of all the identified songs. That should be changing soon.

A teardown of the latest Pixel Ambient Services (1.0.193639268) APK includes a new string that mentions history for music:

  <string name="ambient_music_action_open_history">View History</string>  

Phenotype flag: ambient_music_enable_history (disabled by default)

Once this new feature rolls out, there will likely be a new button in the notification to view history. This is signified by "NotificationActionBuilder" listed in the screenshot below. It should be noted that this APK does not install on Android P DP1 because of the error "Package is a persistent app. Persistent apps are not updateable."

It always felt like a major oversight not to have a history of Now Playing. Several developers have created apps that can display the song history. We're glad Google seems to be fixing this problem natively.

from xda-developers

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