
jeudi 2 février 2017

IDC Report States Apple Shipped More Phones in Q4 2016 Than Samsung

The International Data Corporation (IDC) is a highly respected research company that uses often publishes studies on the smartphone market. A new report has just been published by the IDC that highlights the smartphone shipment numbers for the fourth quarter of 2016, and there have been some interesting changes to highlight.

For many of the past quarters, Samsung has generally topped the charts as the company shipping the most smartphones. In Q4 of 2015 for instance, Samsung shipped 81.7 million units to retailers and customers around the world. In second place during that quarter was Apple who shipped 74.8 million units. However, it seems that during Q4 of 2016, Apple broke their own records for the number of devices they sold in a single quarter. Apple's stock jumped about 7 points when they made that announcement, and now the report from the IDC back up their recent claim.

Apple shipped 78.3 million units for the fourth quarter of 2016, besting Samsung who was only able to ship out 77.5 million units. To give you a perspective on how this compares to other smartphone OEMs, Huawei came in 3rd place for the quarter at a shipment of 45.4 million units. Thus we see that a combination of Apple's upward trend in success as well as Samsung shipping fewer units this quarter (which very likely could be accounted for by the Galaxy Note 7 debacle), resulted in Apple overtaking Samsung last quarter.

This isn't spell doom for Samsung, though. In fact, Samsung was still the top OEM when we look at shipments for the entirety of 2016. The South Korean conglomerate was able to ship out 311.4 million units throughout the year while Apple managed to ship 215.4 million units.

Via: 9to5Google

from xda-developers

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