Despite the advent of 4G LTE, mobile data continues to be an expensive and unreliable proposition in many parts of the world. But at the same time, data consumption has increased exponentially — and with it the need to track it. Newer versions of Android have built-in management tools that keep tabs on data consumption, but for folks who need something a bit more robust, there's Datally, a new data-tracking application from Google.
Datally — a rebrand of Triangle, a data management application that Google released in June — can help users save more and do more with their data. It's designed to help users do three things, Google says: Understand, control, and save data.
Datally helps users understand their data consumption by generating hourly, daily, weekly and monthly reports. It also recommends ways they can save data by changing their usage habits.
Datally also has Data Saver, a feature that blocks application background data and tracks the real-time usage of every application on a given device. If an application is using an abnormal amount of data, users can cut off its internet access with one tap.
Finally, Datally helps users save their data by alerting them whenever they're near a public Wi-Fi network. The application helps them connect to the network and allows them to rate its network quality.
Google says that it has been testing Datally in the Philippines over the past few months, and that during its testing, users saved up to 30 percent of their data.
If you'd like to give a whirl yourself, Datally is available globally on the Play Store for all phones running Android 5.0 Lollipop and higher.
Source: GoogleDownload Datally on the Play Store
from xda-developers
mobile data as search giant Google has announced a new app called Datally that helps users track, control and monitor their app data usage...Click here